
BeeboCraft Rules and Punishments

Chat punishments (mutes):

10 minute > 20 minute > 30 minute > 1 hour > 8 hours > 24 hours > permanent.
Certain violations or a visible pattern of misbehaviour will lead to a permanent mute immediately.

Chat rules:

Do not harass other players or staff.
This applies to all chats, whether it''s in general chat, /message or any other available channel.

Spamming in any way is prohibited.
This includes sending repeated messages, sending different messages in quick succesion, character spam, or spamming commands that lead to a message being sent.

Keep chat safe for work!
Very inapprorpiate chat messages or links will not be tolerated. Kids play here.

No inappropriate topics in the main chat.
Examples include:
- Politics
- Religion
- Acts of violence
- Sex
- Suicide/Self-harm
- Terrorism
- War
- And anything that you''re asked to take to the DMs by staff.

We do not tolerate hate speech.
This includes racism, homophobia and otherwise offensive messages.
This is at the sole discretion of the staff team.

Your Minecraft username and nickname:
- Must be compliant with our rules.
In addition, your /nick must not attempt to imitate another user and should meet the following criteria:
- Typeable with an English keyboard (I.E. No nicknames prefixed with "&k")
- Does not attempt to suggest that you are part of the staff team.
- Contains no inappropriate content.

No drama!
We ask that all player-related drama is dealth with outside of public chat channels. Take it to DMs either in-game, on Discord, or even via carrier pigeon - as long as it''s not in public chat.

Do not advertise.
Advertisement of other Minecraft Servers, External Giveaways, one''s own social media/content creation channels (unrelated to the server) or anything of a similar nature are prohibited without prior approval from our staff.
This includes advertisements in all available channels, I.E Chat, DMs, signs, written books, item names, warp names, etc.
You may advertise your in-game shops, pwarps, and items, but this should be limited to one message every 5 minutes.

Gameplay punishments (bans):

1 day > 10 days > 30 days > 60 days > Permanent
Certain violations or a visible pattern of misbehaviour will lead to a permanent ban immediately.

Gameplay rules:

Do not ban/mute evade!
In the event that you are punished by our staff for breaking any rules, attempts to evade your punishment will result in the punishment being increased.

Mutes apply only to your main account, but a ban is a ban from the server. Joining via another account to play while you are banned is against the rules.
No hacks/"bad" mods.
Modifying your client so that you have a considerable advantage over players is a bannable offense.
This includes hacked clients, xray resource packs, and any other mod that seeks to give you an unfair advantage.

Do not chargeback.
In the event that ranks or donations are offered, using the PayPal "chargeback" feature will result in a permanent ban from the server.

Chargebacks are for physical goods and people who have been scammed. Abusing them is just kinda icky. Talk to us about a refund, instead.
DOXXing is an easy ban.
Sharing personal information of others, such as their real name, address, social media accounts, or even just photos of their person without their permission is a permanent ban.

You are welcome to appeal such a ban, but we have a zero-tolerance policy on this matter, and if you have violated the rule you will likely remain banned.
Scamming is not allowed.
Any scam that involves:
- Real-life/in-game possessions.
- Real-life/in-game money.

Or any other attempt to unfairly take something from another player will result in a ban from the server.
Do not harrass others.
This can include:
- Refusing to leave their claim when asked.
- Following them or messaging them when asked to stop.

What constitutes harrassment is up to the staff member looking into the issue.

Global punishments (bans):

1 day > 10 days > 30 days > 60 days > Permanent
Certain violations or a visible pattern of misbehaviour will lead to a permanent ban immediately.

Global rules:

NSFW/Offensive builds are prohibited.
This rules applies to signs and written books, too!
What constitutes "inappropriate" is up to the staff team.

Your Minecraft skin must be compliant with all of our rules.
Joke skins are allowed, but any nudity should be limited and light-hearted at best.

Don''t attempt to impersonate staff.
Impersonating staff members either through skins, in-game names, messages, or any other method is prohibited.

Glitch/Bug abuse is a very serious offense.
The decision of whether or not something is a glitch will be at the sole discretion of the staff team.

Please report any bugs or glaring issues via a ticket on the Discord server.

If the bug is serious enough, you will be rewarded with a Bug-Breaker key!
No lag machines or intentionally laggy builds.
Any use of lag machines/farms/builds that cause server/client noticable lag will be punishable depending on the severity.

This includes client-side lag machines that attempt to lag/crash players.
Do not exploit or attempt to bypass any rule.
Just because there''s not an exact example of a specific rule does not mean that you cannot be punished for bad behaviour.

Consider this the "Use common sense" rule.